Data from the Enquesta d'Usos Lingüístics de la Població (Survey of Linguistic Uses of the Population) indicates concerning trends, though not critical, regarding the Catalan language. While the number of speakers has slightly decreased in absolute terms, the primary issue is that significant population growth has not resulted in a corresponding integration into Catalan usage. Demographics play a crucial role in this collective portrait.
The challenge remains consistent: integrating newcomers into the Catalan-speaking community. These individuals come to Catalonia due to necessity, given the region's low birth rate, and for opportunities. The goal is to connect personal advancement with adopting the language, making Catalan a necessity for better job prospects, improved social integration, and children's adaptation.
Achieving this requires persistent global action, led by public administrations with resources and example-setting, and supported by civil society. This includes education, media, culture, business, justice, sports, and science. Initial steps involve creating learning opportunities for newcomers and encouraging Catalan speakers to proactively engage with non-speakers positively. The aim is to advance with determination, including seeking official status in Europe and promoting its use in the Spanish Congress. Recent box office successes for Catalan cinema also contribute. The language should be a shared objective, transcending political divisions.
Catalan Language Usage: Challenges and Strategies for Growth
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