Animal Cruelty Case Highlights Risks for Wildlife Carers in NSW

Edited by: Olga N

In a significant legal case, Tracy Dods, a WIRES volunteer from Kanimbla, NSW, faces prosecution for alleged animal cruelty involving an eastern grey kangaroo. This case has raised concerns among wildlife carers across the region.

Dods, 54, cared for 278 injured native animals from 2016 to 2021, primarily focusing on eastern grey kangaroos. While many animals were rehabilitated and released back into the wild, some had to be euthanized due to severe injuries.

The case centers on a four-year-old female kangaroo named Dolores, who allegedly did not receive the necessary veterinary treatment, leading to her suffering. The RSPCA has taken action against Dods, who has pleaded not guilty, prompting fears among wildlife carers about potential similar allegations in the future.

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