Eneos and Chiyoda to Build AUD $200 Million Green Hydrogen Plant in Australia, Aiming for 680 kg Daily Production via MCH Electrosynthesis

Eneos Corporation has awarded Chiyoda Corporation an EPC contract to build a AUD $200 million green hydrogen plant in Brisbane, Australia. The plant will use direct methylcyclohexane (MCH) electrosynthesis to produce 680 kilograms of hydrogen per day. Construction is scheduled to begin this year, with MCH production targeted for 2025. A portion of the MCH will be shipped to Japan to establish an international hydrogen supply chain. This project, building on previous demonstration efforts, is part of Japan's Green Innovation Fund Projects, commissioned by NEDO. It aims to scale up hydrogen supply chains and validate the commercial viability of direct MCH electrosynthesis, which combines hydrogen production and MCH synthesis in one step. A prior demonstration plant with a 150kW electrolyser and 250kW solar system produced two to three tonnes of hydrogen in 2023, which was shipped to Japan for extraction.

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