California Homeowner Coexists with Post-Fire Bear Tenant

Edited by: Anna 🎨 Krasko

A California homeowner, Sean Lorenzini, has found himself sharing his property with an unexpected tenant: a 250-kilogram bear. The bear, believed to have sought refuge under the house during a fire, has since made it its home. While the bear mostly keeps to itself, foraging in a neighbor's trash and sunbathing by the pool, a local plumber is reportedly wary of working under the watchful eye of the animal.

Fish and wildlife officials are working to relocate the bear humanely, similar to a previous incident where a bear named Barry was lured into a trap and moved to a forest away from residential area. Authorities advise homeowners to seal off entrances when the bear leaves in search of food. The increasing encroachment of urban areas into natural habitats is forcing animals to adapt to living in closer proximity to humans.

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