Dr. Mario Alonso Puig, a Spanish physician and speaker, reveals how our minds distort the world through beliefs, emotions, and cognitive biases. According to Dr. Alonso Puig, our brains don't perceive the world as it truly is. Every stimulus we receive is filtered through our beliefs, experiences, and emotions, creating a unique and personalized version of reality. This means reality isn't objective but an interpretation. Two people can experience the same situation entirely differently. He suggests that if something is unpleasant, it might be a disguised lesson, urging a shift in perspective by asking, "What can I learn from this?" Our brains are limited and use cognitive biases to process information quickly. These unconscious mental shortcuts help us make decisions but can also distort reality. These biases are influenced by culture, social environment, and emotions, potentially clouding our judgment. Understanding that our perception isn't always reality encourages humility, empathy, and awareness of how we interpret the world.
Dr. Alonso Puig Explains How Our Minds Distort Reality in Spain
Edited by: MARIА Mariamarina0506
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