Gabriel Mascaro's latest film, O Último Azul, is set to compete for the prestigious Golden Bear at the 2025 Berlin International Film Festival, running from February 13 to 23 in the German capital. The film features a talented cast, including Rodrigo Santoro, Denise Weinberg, Miriam Socarrás, and Adanilo.
Set in the Amazon, the story follows Tereza, a 77-year-old woman who receives a government summons to relocate to a compulsory housing colony for the elderly. Before her forced exile, Tereza embarks on a journey through rivers and tributaries to fulfill a last wish that could alter her destiny forever.
Mascaro's O Último Azul is not the only Brazilian film in the Berlinale lineup; Anna Muylaert's A Melhor Mãe do Mundo will also be showcased in the special Berlinale selection. Brazil has previously won the Golden Bear with Central do Brasil (1998) and Tropa de Elite (2008), making this year’s competition particularly exciting.
The film promises to blend hyper-realistic cinematic language with elements of magic and everyday life, reaffirming the cultural significance of Brazilian cinema on the international stage.