Shipping Lines Slow Down to Protect Whales and Reduce Emissions Off California Coast

A decade-long initiative, Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies (BWBS), reports record-breaking participation in its 2024 Vessel Speed Reduction (VSR) program off the California coast. Seventy-eight percent of container ships and 97% of auto/RORO ships slowed to 10 knots or less in designated zones, reducing fatal whale strikes by 50% or more. This year saw 49 major shipping lines participate, a jump from 33, traveling 425,981 nautical miles at safer speeds. The program also significantly cut air pollution, reducing over 4,500 tons of smog-forming pollutants and 153,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases. BWBS demonstrates the environmental benefits achievable through voluntary partnerships, highlighting the shipping industry's commitment to whale protection and cleaner air. Reduced vessel speeds also mitigate noise pollution, crucial for whale communication and navigation.

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