Lebanon Considers Tax Hike Amidst Regional Tensions; EU Drug Use Varies Widely; US Tax Cut Extension Advances

Lebanon is considering increasing taxes amidst regional tensions, potentially affecting intellectual property rights. According to LBCI, the plan being developed would align with U.S. policy and address increased Israeli aggression against Palestinians.

Across the EU, drug use varies significantly. Cannabis is most prevalent in Czechia (22.9%), Italy (21.5%), France (19.2%), and Spain (19.1%), while cocaine is more common in the Netherlands, Spain, and Ireland. Slovakia reports 10.2% cannabis use and 1.1% cocaine use. Experts warn about the dangers of synthetic drugs due to uncontrolled production and contamination risks.

In the U.S., a resolution has been approved, marking the first step towards funding a key Trump campaign promise. This coincides with efforts in the House of Representatives to extend tax cuts from Trump's first term and significantly reduce the federal social safety net. The budget proposal now moves to the House, where Republicans aim to pass their own version.

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