A leading longevity expert, Dr. Valter Longo, suggests that maintaining fitness for longevity may be simpler than the commonly recommended 10,000 steps a day. His research indicates that specific lifestyle rules, including exercise, play a crucial role in staying young longer.
Walking: Dr. Longo advises a brisk one-hour walk daily, aligning with NHS guidance that even 10-minute brisk walks can improve heart health and stamina.
Brain Health: Professor Claire Steves highlights that under an hour of walking three times a week can boost cognitive function.
Aerobic Exercise: Research from the University of Bristol suggests that regular aerobic exercise, which includes activities like swimming, running, and brisk walking, may reduce Alzheimer's markers.
Moderate Exercise: Dr. Longo recommends two-and-a-half to five hours of moderate exercise weekly, with some vigorous activity for optimal longevity benefits.
While 10,000 steps or 20 flights of stairs remain beneficial, these findings emphasize that shorter, consistent exercise routines can significantly contribute to overall health and longevity.