Sarajevo is hosting a science conference on "Jezik i vještačka inteligencija" (Language and Artificial Intelligence). The conference gathers experts from linguistics, education, communication, social sciences, and information technology to discuss AI's role in language research, machine translation's impact, and ethical considerations.
Edin Čolić, from the Esperanto Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina, highlights the core question: how AI influences language. He emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together experts who typically don't interact, such as AI developers and sociologists, to broaden perspectives.
Professor Jasmin Velagić from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo explains that "obrada prirodnog jezika" (natural language processing) merges linguistics and AI, enabling computers to read, use, and draw conclusions from text, aiding humans in various fields. Velagić cautions against over-reliance on AI, stating, "čovjek treba koristiti umjetnu inteligenciju u različite svrhe, ali ne smije dozvoliti da ona njega mijenja" (humans should use AI for various purposes but not allow it to change them). He warns that excessive dependence on AI from a young age could diminish cognitive abilities.
Sarajevo Hosts Conference on Language and Artificial Intelligence
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